2020, 2021 and 2022. This outlook is based on the latest . economic outlook. of the. Austrian Insti-tute for Economic Research (December 2020). The next update of this data set is expected for March 2021. Wirtschaftskammer Österreich . Vienna, December 2020



Nordnets sparekonom Karl Oscar Ström sade i januari att Nordnets statistik Global (English), Sweden (Swedish), Austria (German), Denmark (Danish),  Med 55 000 abonnemangsinnehavare vill fotbollsklubben Ballsportverein Borussia 09 e.V. Dortmund, känd som BVB, ge sina VIP-fans aktuell  Statistik. Gästerna fick en drömstart på matchen då Max Dandanell avlossade ett direktskott som olyckligtvis gick i nät via en Luleå-back. Statistik Austria. 11 juni 2015. http://www.statistik.at/web_de/statistiken/bevoelkerung/bevoelkerungsstand_und_veraenderung/bevoelkerung_zu_jahres-_quartalsanfang/index.html.

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STATISTIK AUSTRIA Bundesanstalt Statistik Österreich Guglgasse 13 1110 Wien Telefon +43 1 71128-0 Fax +43 1 71128-7728 info@statistik.gv.at Statistiken Publikationen & Services Wien, 2021-03-26 – Von November 2020 bis Februar 2021 wurden 3,49 Mio. Nächtigungen in österreichischen Beherbergungsbetrieben registriert, um 50,32 Mio. weniger als im Vergleichszeitraum des Vorjahres, wie vorläufige Ergebnisse von Statistik Austria zeigen. Index 1995=100: Kerninflation . 2: Veränderung in % Statistik Austria - Ergebnisse Author: AH Created Date: 3/25/2021 1:18:47 PM STATISTIK AUSTRIA Bundesanstalt Statistik Österreich Guglgasse 13 1110 Wien Telefon +43 1 71128-0 Fax +43 1 71128-7728 info@statistik.gv.at Statistiken Publikationen & Services Tourist Arrivals in Austria increased to 184.90 Thousand in February from 156.60 Thousand in January of 2021. Tourist Arrivals in Austria averaged 2755.23 Thousand from 1999 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 5698.57 Thousand in August of 2019 and a record low of 57.20 Thousand in April of 2020.

Min profilMitt bibliotekStatistikMeddelande h-index, 81, 52 2009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021135156218266 Friedrich SchneiderJohannes Kepler University Linz, AustriaVerifierad e-postadress på jku.at.

Mär 2021 • Statistik Austria • Statistik • Wirtschaftsstatistik Der Erhebungsbereich der Zivilluftfahrt in Österreich erstreckt sich auf den kommerziellen Luftverkehr (Linien- und Gelegenheitsverkehr) sowie die Allgemeine Luftfahrt. mehr Der PKW-Index wird im Auftrag der Gewerkschaft öffentlicher Dienst sowie den beiden Autofahrerclubs ÖAMTC und ARBÖ monatlich von Statistik Austria berechnet. Für den PKW-Index wird keine eigene Preiserhebung durchgeführt, er setzt sich aus einzelnen Positionen des VPI zusammen, die die Preisentwicklung der Anschaffung und Erhaltung eines PKW abbilden.

STATISTIK AUSTRIA Bundesanstalt Statistik Österreich Guglgasse 13 1110 Wien Telefon +43 1 71128-0 Fax +43 1 71128-7728 info@statistik.gv.at Statistiken Publikationen & Services

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Q: STATISTIK AUSTRIA. Erstellt am 16.04.2021 - Der letzte Indexstand gilt bis zur Publikation des Indexwertes des folgenden Monats als vorläufige Zahl. Consumer Price Index CPI in Austria increased to 101.90 points in March from 100.80 points in February of 2021.
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Vienna, 2021-04-15 – The construction cost index (new base 2020) for construction of residential buildings reached 105.0 index points in March 2021, according to calculations by Statistics Austria. This represents an increase of 5.5% against March 2020.

Tourist Arrivals in Austria averaged 2755.23 Thousand from 1999 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 5698.57 Thousand in August of 2019 and a record low of 57.20 Thousand in April of 2020. This page provides - Austria Tourist Arrivals - actual values, historical data, forecast Fachbeirat für Bevölkerungsstatistik.
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08.04.2021 Number of deaths 1.7% below the five-year average. According to preliminary results, 1 599 people died in Austria in calendar week 12 (from 22 to 28 March 2021) - that was 76 people fewer than in the previous week. The number of deaths is thus 1.7% below the five-year average of the 12th calendar week.

Foreign trade January 2021: sharp decline in imports (‑10.4%) and exports (‑9.5%) Press release: 12.441-032/21 Vienna, 2021-02-15 - The construction cost index (new base 2020) for construction of residential buildings reached 102.9 index points in January 2021, according to calculations by Statistics Austria. This represents an increase of 3.4% against January 2020.

Prisindex i producent- och importled, februari 2021. 2021-03-25. Producentprisindex steg med 1,5 procent från januari till februari. På exportmarknaden steg priserna med 2,0 procent och på hemmamarknaden med 1,1 procent.

Fotbollskanalen - för dig Player Index: Leipzig-duo och Kompany med i “Veckans lag"  Ett antal förslag på index för biologisk mångfald diskuteras i rapporten. Ett stort att förändra NILS pågår under 2020–2021, vilket sannolikt kommer att leda till en design för Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. Reid, W. V. SCB (2019) Jordbruksmarkens användning 2019 Slutlig statistik. JO 10 SM  Datum & Tid: 2021-04-09 17:29 (GMT+02:00).

The next update of this data set is expected for March 2021. Wirtschaftskammer Österreich . Vienna, December 2020 Vienna, 2021-03-30 – The industrial producer price index, IPPI 2015, reached 103.1 points in February 2021, representing a price increase of 0.9% compared to February 2020, as Statistics Austria reports.In January 2021 and December 2020, the annual rates of change had been -0.3% and -1.0%.Thus, in February 2021 there was a trend reversal in the producer price development with the first Inflation Rate in Austria averaged 3.18 percent from 1958 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 10.20 percent in September of 1974 and a record low of -3 percent in March of 1959. This page provides - Austria Inflation Rate - actual values, historical data, forecast, … Published by Aaron O'Neill, Mar 31, 2021 This statistic shows the average inflation rate in Austria from 1985 to 2019, with projections up until 2025. In 2019, the average inflation rate in Austria Unemployment Rate in Austria decreased to 9.40 percent in March from 10.70 percent in February of 2021. Unemployment Rate in Austria averaged 5.10 percent from 1960 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 12.80 percent in April of 2020 and a record low of 0.80 percent in August of 1974. This page provides the latest reported value for - Austria Unemployment Rate - plus previous releases Vienna, 2021-03-30 – A total of 66 162 enterprises in the entire industry and construction sector (+0.1% compared to the previous year) turned over €281.8 bn (-6.8%) in the whole year 2020, according to calculations by Statistics Austria.