2021-03-25 · After a popular shaving company pulled their ads from a Daily Wire show, media outlet decided to launch their own direct-to-consumer men's grooming line.


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If there are many (the word is plural), then just an “s” will do. If a word is both plural and possessed, it gets an s followed by an apostrophe. And for the word “it,” the rules are reversed. A name ending in s takes only an apostrophe if the possessive form is not pronounced with an extra s. Hence: Socrates’ philosophy, Ulysses’ companions, Saint Saens’ music, Aristophanes’ plays.

S after s

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2021-04-13 · Prince Harry will fly back to the US shortly after his grandfather Prince Philip’s funeral — as he doesn’t want to be separated from his pregnant wife, Meghan Markle, for too long. The Duke

The possesive form depends on the noun you want to change into a possesive form. If the noun does not end with s then you  This also clears up the exceptions for words that form plurals without s: women's, children's, people's.

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Sam 's bicycle After a name ending in s, you may add just an apostrophe or an apostrophe and another s to form the possessive. Style manuals differ in their recommendations.

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Examples: Example sentences:. Let's get started. Practicing the -s Ending After Voiceless Sounds: /s/. Let's start with voiceless sounds. First, let's look at the word “  In recent years the question of whether to use a period after the "S" in Harry S. Truman's name has become a subject of controversy, especially among editors.

Mr. Jones' golf clubs. the canvas's size. Texas' weather. To create their possessive, simply add an apostrophe after the s: The Pepins' house is the big blue one on the corner. The lions' usual source of water has dried up.