LNU:s publiceringsguide: FörfattarID & Affiliering. Tips och till andra resurser och identifikatorer så som LinkedIn, Scopus och ResearcherID.


Scopus features smart tools to help you track, analyze and visualize research. Help improve your knowledge and use of Scopus by following the tips & tricks regularly posted here. On this page we cover topics like: How to improve search results, find collaborators, manage your author profile, analyze data, compare journal metrics, export to Mendeley, manage remote access and more.

With Scopus you can search and filter results in the following ways: Document search: Search directly from the homepage and use detailed search options to ensure you find the document (s) Author search: Search for a specific author by name or by Open Research and Contributor Identifier ID (ORCID) Quick Reference Guide Scopusis the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, with bibliometrics tools to track, analyze and visualize research. It contains over 22,000 titles from more than 5,000 publishers around the world, covering the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and Arts & Humanities. Use Scopus: to search on your topic when you want search results that are interdisciplinary and include international literature. See graphs below. when you would like to see results ranked by times cited and relevance and as well as by date. On the Advanced search form, you can create a search using field codes, proximity operators, or boolean operators to narrow the scope of the search. For assistance using field codes, proximity operators, and other Scopus search techniques, see the "Search Tips" box on this page.

Scopus search guide

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There are several different types of searches available in Scopus: Documents is a great way to search for items containing your desired keywords. Author finds all items written by a particular author. Affiliations identifies all works associated with an organization/university. Advanced search allows more fields for searches Searching Scopus Type hrt in the first search box, and click “add search field” Type “hormone replacement therap*” in the 2nd search box and repeat, adding the remaining term “*estrogen replacement therapy*” into each box, remembering to combine with OR Click the button to run the search. TIP: To search for a phrase in Scopus use double quotations marks (“). Doing so tells Scopus this is a “loose phrase,” meaning that the words must be together and will allow for wildcards and lemmatization (finding both singular and plural forms, see below). This short Scopus video tutorial takes you through the steps involved in using field codes within an advanced search.

Search Form. Below is the Scopus search screen. Enter the search term into the search field. If you have more than one concept to your search, select the plus sign (below red arrow) to add additional search fields. Scopus allows you to search in a variety of ways. For example, if you want to search for a particular author, select the "Authors" tab.

Scopus searches the bibliographic record, not the full text of documents. The default search field in a document search is "Article title, Abstract, and Keywords." Click the plus sign (+) to add additional search boxes. 2021-03-10 · In Scopus you can analyze any set of search results to find useful information about journals, authors over time.

There you can see the publications by clicking on the link "Publications". Search among KTH's scientific publications. Last registered publications.

Brian Matzke · Email Me. Contact: Elihu Burritt Library, 2nd Floor. 860-832-2978  Quite a shame that Scopus completely eradicated the title/keyword search for ://service.elsevier.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/15534/supporthub/scopus/#tips. Jan 22, 2021 Find your Scopus Author ID. A Scopus Author ID is automatically generated the first time one of your publications is indexed in Scopus. Dec 3, 2020 Cited Reference Searching: A Skill Guide: Scopus. Among Cornell Library's hundreds of databases, a number of them allow you to track the  Database guide: Scopus can be used to search the alternative spellings of the same word find documents that contain exactly that enclosed in braces. This guide will show you how to search Scopus, how to access articles, and how to email, print or save selected items.

Download Firefox  Jul 28, 2020 Subject Guide. Brian Matzke's picture. Brian Matzke · Email Me. Contact: Elihu Burritt Library, 2nd Floor. 860-832-2978  Quite a shame that Scopus completely eradicated the title/keyword search for ://service.elsevier.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/15534/supporthub/scopus/#tips. Jan 22, 2021 Find your Scopus Author ID. A Scopus Author ID is automatically generated the first time one of your publications is indexed in Scopus.
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Historical  Open access-guide för studerande, forskare, alla Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) är en mångvetenskaplig sökmaskin för som är centrala inom forskningsområdet (såsom Web of Science eller Scopus)?. av TE Scott · 2017 · Citerat av 42 — Despite this research, the mechanism of primary blast injury at the that it is unlikely that a controlled evidence base will ever guide this care. Ingång till Scopus sources och Journal citation reports (JCR). Norska listan. Register över vetenskapliga publiceringskanaler.

Login required. Interdisciplinary Books and chapters Conference papers and proceedings Dissertations Journal  Scopus is an abstract and citation database from Elsevier containing both peer-reviewed research literature and quality web sources.
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av D Wang · 2015 · Citerat av 150 — The role of COX-2 in intestinal inflammation and colorectal cancer. Oncogene. 2010; 29: 781-788. View in Article. Scopus (524) · PubMed 

Search. Search.

Academic libraries and specialized research tools. Scopus Australian Guide to Legal Citation - accessibility document Consider using Zotero 

We want "lung cancer" and smoking to be the main subject of what we find. It is useful to brainstorm alternative search words. For this topic we will use "lung cancer" OR "lung neoplasm" because they mean the same thing. Lets replicate the search depicted in the image below.

Interdisciplinary Books and chapters Conference papers and proceedings Dissertations Journal  Scopus is an abstract and citation database from Elsevier containing both peer-reviewed research literature and quality web sources. Scopus offers research in  Scopus är en multidisciplinär databas.