In Kuopio, the artistic planning and direction are lead by artist Timo Kokko, and in Helsinki by artist and Annantalo art educator Elina Rantasuo. The participants in the KELP! project are the students of ANTI Festival’s partner Class 8E from Hatsala Classical School in Kuopio, and the Class 8D students from Apollo School in Helsinki.
Melkein kotona (Nästan hemma) — Elina Rantasuo, 2009 Pärmen innehåller fem bilder av vilka den mellersta föreställer en flicka som sover i en stol. Bokens övriga sidor kan vändas över flickan så att de bildar ett transparent landskap i flera skikt liksom en virrig minnesbild av verklighet och illusion.
Född 1987 i Helsingfors, Finland. Bor och arbetar i Helsingfors, Finland. Eri Kassnel. Född 1973 i Timisoara, Rumänien.
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Anna Rantasuo, Turku. 70 likes · 1 talking about this. Vihreä kuntavaaliehdokas Turussa haluaa edistää kestävää arkea ja yhdenvertaisia mahdollisuuksia hyvään tulevaisuuteen myös niille, joiden oma Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s I got on a train and took the corner to all the people I would have liked to see the exhibition.
Gathering for Rehearsing Hospitalities is a six-day gathering 9–14 September 2019 in Helsinki, Finland. The event brings together local and international arts audiences for a week of
29. joulukuu 2018 Laiholan talossa ovat viimeksi asuneet kuvataiteilijat Pia Kousa ja Elina Rantasuo. Heidän myötään idyllistä taloa voitaisiin kutsua 18 Oct 2018 experiments for mind and body.
2010 | Theatre Takomo (with Elina Rantasuo and Tuukka Salonen), Helsinki 2010 | Fondia Gallery, Helsinki 2010 | Kuvan kauniit, Gallery Fafa, Helsinki
Eri Kassnel. Född 1973 i Timisoara, Rumänien. Bor och arbetar i Diedorf, Tyskland. Erik Ravelo. Elina.Rantasuo Follow Following Unfollow Report user 0 Followers 2 Followings Navigation Summary 0 Models Elina Rantasuo (born 1987) graduated from the study programme in printmaking of the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts in 2013. In addition to printmaking, she applies the techniques of sound, video and installation art in her work. konstlärare Elina Rantasuo, Marjut Ma-risto och Eliisa Sorvali samt Ilpo Rybatzki tillsammans planerade och genomförde i maj 2019.
Elina Rantasuo’s works were exhibited at the tiny gallery near my work (it’s a shame to miss even one of their exhibitions as I walk by almost every day). The atmosphere was somehow fiction kind of down-to-earth, a bit spooky even. I felt pretty claustrophobic in the room with “moving moss” as the title suggests. Kuvataiteilija Elina Rantasuo työskentelee itsenäisesti sekä eri työryhmissä. Hänen työskentelyssään toistuvia teemoja ovat mm.
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The soundscape is made by Lauri Ainala. This is a view from Elina Rantasuo's solo exhibition… Näytä niiden ihmisten profiilit, joiden nimi on Elena Rantasuo.
Tekijät: Marjut Maristo, Elina Rantasuo, Ilpo Rybatzki, Eliisa Sorvali ja Otto Tähkäpää Julkaisija: Helsingin kaupunki, Kulttuuri ja vapaa-aika, Annantalo 2019 Kuvitus: Ilpo Rybatzki Toimitus: Heidi Valjus ISBN 978-952-331-675-1
Bread Omens = Elina Rantasuo & Jani A. Purhonen, overthinking notre dame inspired post baking depression, 2019, dimensions variable, clay, brick, hay, metal .
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Författare: Marjut Maristo, Elina Rantasuo, Ilpo Rybatzki, Eliisa Sorvali och Otto Tähkäpää. Utgivare: Helsingfors stad, Kultur och fritid, Annegården 2019.
Hem » Konstnärer » Elina Rantasuo Elina Rantasuo. f.Helsingfors, 1987 Hemort: Helsingfors Elina Rantasuo’s works were exhibited at the tiny gallery near my work (it’s a shame to miss even one of their exhibitions as I walk by almost every day). The atmosphere was somehow fiction kind of down-to-earth, a bit spooky even. I felt pretty claustrophobic in the room with “moving moss” as the title suggests. Solo exhibitions of Elina Rantasuo; Galerie Anhava FI. Galerie Anhava Mannerheiminaukio 3 00100 Helsinki +358 9-669 989.
Kuokkanen Elina. Transport / Siirto 77,78. 77,78 Kuokkanen Elina. Nytta för vägdelägarna 3:72 Rantasuo. 275. Åker. 0,28. 0,90. 0,20. 0,18.
Relevance, Latest Additions, Latest Edits, Title, A-Z, Title Elina Laasonen. 0 0 0 Elina Rantasuo. 0 0 0 Hatsalan 8E, Apollon 8D, Timo Kokko & Elina Rantasuo (FI): KELP! Torstai 22.10. 11.00 – 18.00. Perjantai 23.10. 11.00 – 18.00.
Discover works for sale, auction results, market data, news and exhibitions on MutualArt. Solo exhibitions of Elina Rantasuo; Galerie Anhava FI. Galerie Anhava Mannerheiminaukio 3 00100 Helsinki +358 9-669 989.