Kalmarsund Hotell AB ingår i en koncern med 101 bolag. Moderbolag är Norlandia Hotel Group AS och koncernmoderbolag är Hospitality Invest AS.
Booking a hotel room is a key component in any travel plans, but it takes some work. Book the hotel room of your dreams with these simple hotel reservation tips.
st. Ange hur många är ni i … Welcome to Norlandia Care Tampere hotel. Beautifully situated in Tampere, next to the skiing stadium and golf is only 500 meters away. The hotel has 130 rooms, an A la Carte restaurant and an always open lobby café. Furthermore the 8th floor is dedicated to our sauna, with 2 terraces and a meeting room. Norlandia.
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NORLANDIA HOTEL GROUP AS. Moderbolag. NORLANDIA HOTEL GROUP AS. Bolagsform. Aktiebolag sedan1982-12-24. Status. Aktivt. Status Bolagsverket. Stöten Ski Hotel har samma ägare som Norlandia Hotel Group och det blir deras fjärde hotell i.
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Norlandia operates preschools, patient hotels, nursing homes, home care and medical clinics. NHC Group is present in Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Germany and Poland. Our employees are our most important asset and help create a good life - every day. Norlandia.
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Norlandia is part of the NHC Group. Norlandia operates preschools, patient hotels, nursing homes, home care and medical clinics. NHC Group is present in Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Germany and Poland. Our employees are our most important asset and help create a good life - every day. Norlandia Hotel Group | 453 följare på LinkedIn.
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Welcome to Norlandia Care Tampere hotel. Beautifully situated in Tampere, next to the skiing stadium and golf is only 500 meters away. The hotel has 130 rooms, an A la Carte restaurant and an always open lobby café.
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Norlandia is part of the NHC Group. Norlandia operates preschools, patient hotels, nursing homes, home care and medical clinics. NHC Group is present in Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Germany and Poland. Our employees are our most important asset and help create a good life - every day.
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Norlandia | 1 722 följare på LinkedIn. Norlandia is part of the NHC Group. We operate preschools, patient hotels, nursing homes, home care and medical clinics. | Norlandia Care Group has 5750 employees and three areas of operation: Preschools, patient hotels and elderly care. We have operations in Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands.
Our employees are our most important asset and help create a good life - every day. Norlandia.
Norlandia. Toiminta-alueemme ovat päiväkodit, potilashotellit, kotihoito ja hoivakodit. Toimimme Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Norjassa, Hollannissa, Puolassa ja Saksassa. Norlandian 8700 työntekijää ovat tärkein voimavaramme. Luomme Hyvää elämää – joka päivä.
Norlandia driver ca 25 i hotell i Norge och Sverige under olika varumärken. De varumärken som Norlandia opererar med är Best Western, First Hotels, Comfort, Thon Hotels, Norlandia Hotel Group Forvaltning, drift, vedlikehold og utvikling, FDVU. God forvaltning, drift og vedlikehold av hoteller krever struktur og Drift. Vi vektlegger at hotelldirektørene våre skal jobbe selvstendig. Driftsdirektørene, som formelt er styreledere, Marked og produksjon.
Norlandia as the chain did not prevail, actually. Norlandia Hotel Group AS Kalmarsund Hotell Aktiebolag 22 anställda Omsättning 28 684 tkr Resultat 4 099 tkr Klosterkungen Hotel och Restaurang Aktiebolag Norlandia Health & Care Group Norlandia Care AS Norlandia Care AB 917 anställda Omsättning 595 620 tkr Resultat … Norlandia | 1 722 följare på LinkedIn. Norlandia is part of the NHC Group. We operate preschools, patient hotels, nursing homes, home care and medical clinics.